Find Your Perfect Home
One Stop Shop

What can we do for you??
At Clayton Homes of Corsicana, we are a home builder, not just a retail center. We help you find the home, the property, and the financing, so why should we stop there?
We've built relationships with contractors around Navarro County that keep the same values that we strive to achieve: Quality and Affordability. We've tried out many different companies over the years and have found the ones who operate with pride and integrity.
What can they do?
-Storage Sheds
-Septic/Sewage Systems
-and more!
The best part is you don't have to worry about negotiating a bunch of deals with people you don't even know! Instead, let us get it all done at once so you can get back to the most important part: enjoying your home! Come by the Home Center to see what all we can do today!
Find a new home you love? Contact us for more information about our trade-in requirements and to schedule your free trade evaluation.
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